Lions Gate 8-8-8 2020
Lions Gate is a special day where an energetic energy gate opens and the sun is directly opposite Sirius. This provides an expansion of consciousness, new downloads, insights and energy.
Between July 26 and August 12, an alignment takes place so that the energetic gate opens completely on 8-8 every year. Since the sun is in the constellation Leo we call this gate; Lions Gate. A gate between the physical and cosmic world where Sirius is aligned with the sun.
The Leo represents the qualities of fire, the heart, intensity, transformation and these days is aligned with the unconditional love from the cosmos.
On 7-8 I channel the activation for Lions Gate that you can download on 8-8 2020 for the symbolic amount of 8.88 euros.
You can listen to this download as a meditation at the place and time that suits you best.
Send me an email to jessvanderende@gmail.com
Or app me on 06-41190994 for this special activation.
Download the activation on 8.8 2020 for 8.88 euros.

Womans Wisdom Retreat
September 2020
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