Imbolc 1 februari

Imbolc is a beautiful Celtic/pagan tradition on 1 - 2 February that celebrates the end of winter and renewal. It symbolises fertility in Mother Earth and represents a new beginning. The longest days are now behind us and the sun is increasing in power and time. Under our feet, in the earth, everything is coming to life. You can probably already see some winter flowers in nature, bravely rising above the ground. What will germinate in the fertile earth? We are part of the earth, which means that something is also waiting in us to bloom in spring and summer. However, this seed needs all the care and attention of your consciousness and love to reach its full potential. Therefore, take the time to feel what you would like to bloom and clear away (purify) everything around it that stands in its way. It is time to slowly come out of your much needed hibernation and slowly start moving. Imbolc is the ceremony between the winter and spring equinoxes to celebrate that you have come through the winter well and a new era is dawning.

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